Today, November 10th, 150 fifth graders from Chelsea Park Elementary School filled their lunchroom to honor heroes, receive certificates and pledge to continue their journey to becoming our Next Great Americans.

But today’s celebration did more than recognize the completion of the 10-week Super Citizen Program, it showed us how these young students are already applying civics lessons in the real world. In the final piece of the program, classes formed “Torch Teams” to nominate and honor heroes from their own communities. And they learned that “When you honor a hero, you become a hero.”

Today, they honored each of their chosen local heroes with Authentic Liberty Replicas – and read essays on how their heroes were making tremendous impacts in their communities – and our country.

The heroes honored today included: Mrs. BaileyJames Spann, Officer Mullin, Dr. Leslie Sawyer and their Principal Dr. Campisi-Snider. 

The students received their Super Citizen certificates and took the Super Citizen Pledge that reminded them, and all of us on hand, to be the difference they want to see in the world. Program events, free civic teaching tools, teacher training and Libby Liberty™ appearances were brought to Chelsea Park by Liberty Learning Foundation and its passionate supporters.