The first and second graders of Valley Elementary joined together to kick-off the Super Citizen Program. For the next 10 weeks, they’ll learn crucial lessons in civics, character, financial literacy and Our Great American Story.
They had a huge army of support this morning, including their teachers, Superintendent, School Board members and the ABC 33/40 news crew.
Students cheered as they learned about Super Citizen Program, citizenship and appreciation from the Statue of Liberty herself! The children call her Libby Liberty™ and she comes to life in an interactive program that explains her history and their calling to be Super Citizens.
At the end of the program, these same students will end their activities by honoring a local hero in their school or community. The Liberty Learning Foundation wrapped up the day by inspiring fifth graders at the Intermediate School as well.
Pelham, Alabama has some remarkable Super Citizens on their way to greatness.
- Getting ready for Libby Liberty™ and the Hands on Learning presentation.
- Smiling faces of Valley Elementary with the Statue of Liberty.
- Happy students in Pelham at Valley Elementary with Liberty Learning Foundation.
- Excited to meet Libby Liberty™.
- Posing with the Statue of Liberty.
- Read to start the Hands on Learning program with Liberty Learning Foundation.
- Second graders of Valley Elementary.
- Mrs. Andersons students, Alexandra and Ada Beth lead the children in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Valley Elementary students say the Pledge of Allegiance
- School Broad President Rick Rhoades and wife Aimes recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Sweet student of Valley Intermediate pledges allegiance to the flag.
- Libby Liberty with helpers
- Students at Valley pose for a selfie with Libby Liberty™.
- Libby Liberty™ explains what color she is.
- Student helps Libby Liberty™ lead the kids in “You in the USA”.
- Excited students at Valley sing “You in the USA” with Libby Liberty™.
- Dr. Barbara Regan sings along to “You in the USA”.
- The teachers of Valley Elementary join the students in singing “You in the USA”.
- Singing “You in the USA” with Libby Liberty™.
- Smiling faces of this teacher and student.
- Principal Deberah Miller, School Broad President Rick Rhoades, Libby Liberty™, Dr. Barbara Regan and Assistant Principal Chase Holden
- Principal Deberah Miller, School Broad President Rick Rhoades and wife Aimes, Libby Liberty™, Dr. Barbara Regan and Assistant Principal Chase Holden
- The future Super Citizen’s of Valley Elementary School.
- Libby Liberty™ and the smiling faces of Valley Elementary.
- The Next Great Americans pose with Libby Liberty™.
- Students of Valley Elementary pose with Libby Liberty.
- The future Super Citizen’s of Valley Elementary School.
- Libby Liberty™ and the smiling faces of Valley Elementary.
- The Next Great Americans pose with Libby Liberty™.
- Students of Valley Elementary pose with Libby Liberty.
- The future Super Citizen’s of Valley Elementary School.
- Libby Liberty™ and the smiling faces of Valley Elementary.
- The Next Great Americans pose with Libby Liberty™.
- Libby Liberty™ and the smiling faces of Valley Elementary.
- Students of Valley Elementary pose with Libby Liberty.
- LIbby Liberty get a picture with a fantastic teacher at Valley Elementary.
- Principal Deberah Miller and Assistant Principal Chase Holden.
- Selfie with Libby Liberty™ during the performance.