More than 520 crown-wearing, flag-waving fifth graders cheered, clapped and counted down to a grand entrance by Libby Liberty™ at Albertville High School Fine Arts Auditorium. Fresh off her Next Great Americans Tour, the lady in green brought history to life and introduced students to the 10-week civics, character, financial literacy and social studies program they’ll begin after her tour rolls away.
The Super Citizen experience includes today’s kickoff event, immersive learning and community service projects and will culminate with a graduation celebration that sees students honoring local, everyday heroes from stage.
These crucial lessons are being taught thanks to funding from the Marshall County Community Alliance who understand that these lessons must be taught despite school budget cuts. The day ended with a rousing sing-a-long of the tour’s anthem, “YOU in the U.S.A.”
Were you at the event? See the photo gallery below to find yourself, to revisit the magic or watch it unfold for the first time >
- Mrs. Kala and her friend Daisy the Super Citizen Canine welcome everyone to today’s Kickoff!
- The Official Libby Liberty™ Selfie!
- Jordan & Grayson lead everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Libby Liberty™ makes her entrance to reveal her true name: “Liberty Enlightening the World.”
- Libby’s mouth is 3 feet long, about the length of an electric guitar!
- Ellie & Monroe help Libby show off her real measurements.
- Libby reveals her 879 inch shoe size.
- From the ground to the top of her torch she is about the length of a football field!
- You must climb 354 steps to get to Libby’s crown!
- The spikes on her crown are about the size of a Great White Shark.
- She isn’t green like Shrek, she turned patina through a process called oxidation.
- Her torch is what lights the way to freedom.
- The letters on her tablet represent the date of American Independence!
- Libby’s skeleton is made of iron and steel!
- They put her together piece by piece like the most gigantic lego structure EVER!
- Libby invites the students to imagine what it would be like to be an immigrant traveling to Ellis Island.
- Libby shares the iconic poem “The New Colossus.”
- Libby shows off the Liberty Learning Foundation Authentic Liberty Replica.
- She symbolizes the American Dream!
- Thank you to our amazing sponsors!!
- The students and heroes filled the room with their voices as they sang “YOU in the USA.”
- We love seeing the students excited to sing along to our tour anthem!
- Libby loves having Super Citizens singing along to her tour anthem!
- Libby loves getting pictures with real-life Super Citizens and Community Leaders!
- These Albertville 5th grade students are excited to pose with Libby Liberty™.
- These students get a picture with Libby Liberty™ after the program.
- These great citizens are about to start their Super Citizen journey.
- Libby gets a picture with these amazing students after the kickoff.
- Libby greets the wonderful students of Albertville!
- These Albertville 5th Graders are destined for greatness as they start their Super Citizen Journey!!
- These Albertville 5th Graders are destined for greatness as they start their Super Citizen Journey!!
- These Albertville 5th grade students are excited to pose with Libby Liberty™.
- These students get a picture with Libby Liberty™ after the program.
- These great citizens are about to start their Super Citizen journey.
- Libby gets a picture with these amazing students after the kickoff.
- Libby greets the wonderful students of Albertville!
- These Albertville 5th Graders are destined for greatness as they start their Super Citizen Journey!!
- These Albertville 5th Graders are destined for greatness as they start their Super Citizen Journey!!
- Libby gets a picture with these amazing students after the kickoff.
- These Albertville 5th grade students are excited to pose with Libby Liberty™.