To cap off a 10-week civics, character and social studies infusion (The Super Citizen Program) 85 5th graders at Asbury School came together for a graduation celebration. But they’re not just here to give themselves a pat on the back. In fact, one of the most important pieces of the program is learning how to take the lessons learned about character and choose someone from the community to honor for embodying that character.

Today, students read essays about their chosen hero before presenting her with an Authentic Liberty Replica on stage. Now that might not sound remarkable until you realize that Mrs. Karen Golden is the whole reason many of these students are able to stand in front of a crown and read. In English.

Golden is an English language teacher for many of the students who are honoring her today.

Teaching resource kits and today’s high-energy event was made possible by a donation from Marshall Co. Commission to the Huntsville-based Liberty Learning Foundation that facilitates the whole process in schools. 

As the classes sang to “YOU in the USA” and recited the Super Citizen Pledge, it was clear that these predominately Hispanic-American students were inspired and empowered by the ideals many grown up 4th and 5th generation Americans take for granted.

They celebrated being a part of the big picture and their spirit reminded us all what Liberty really means … in plain English.