Is it really November!? I can’t believe that we are already in the last month of this fall tour! The holidays are just around the corner!
Today we visited Fairforest Elementary in Spartanburg, South Carolina (sounds like the name of an elementary school in a fairy tale to me)! We had a great group of 3rd-5th graders on their feet and having fun bright and early this morning!
Fairforest is another school that is home to many families from different countries. About 45% of their students speak English as a second language. The teachers at Fairforest are excited about the opportunity to help all of their students to really understand and appreciate the freedoms and opportunities that we have in America! Fairforest’s principal, Dr. Stephen Krawczyk, said that the teachers and administration at this school “want to insure that students understand the history of our country, but more so how they can affect the future.”
Dr. Krawczyk also told us about an “Immigration Day” that they have at Fairforest where the students get an in-depth look at what immigration to the US was like during the Ellis Island days. He had nothing but great things to say about the faculty at his school for all of their hard work on great projects such as this one! It has been an inspiration to me to see all of the caring, and hard-working teachers across our country.
We were glad to have Ms. Cynthia Robinson join us for the show today. She is from the Spartanburg County School central office.
Tomorrow we are off to Caughman Road Elementary in Columbia, South Carolina!