Thanks to Alabama Power and Georgia Pacific, more than 300 fifth graders from five Monroe County Schools began the Super Citizen Program for the second year running.

Students from Monroeville Middle, Monroe Intermediate, Excel High, JU Blacksher and JF Shields schools were bussed to Alabama Southern Community College on January 16th

Alabama Power representative Lisa Bevel Laye was in attendance with other Alabama Power employees. Also representing Georgia Pacific was Rick Kimble. Laye lead the students in a cheer to get them excited, while Rick Kimble told the students that this was a big investment for them, so they have an obligation to pay attention and try their best. He also said look at the word HERO, notice that the two words HE and HER are in the word HERO … so that means everyone out there in the audience can be a HERO. 

Celebration is set for March 18th at 10am at Alabama Southern Community College.