Today, more than 325 second and third grade students from Joseph W. Lisenby and Harry N. Mixon filled the gymnasium at Harry N. Mixon Elementary School. After finishing 10 weeks in the Super Citizen Program, they are gathered to celebrate their accomplishments and honor local heroes from the stage.
These students have learned their important roles in America’s future thanks to an immersive experience in civic, character, financial literacy and social studies. And in the closing piece of the program, Torch Teams (or “Helping Hands” for the younger students), students are applying those crucial lessons in the real world. They chose heroes who embodied the traits of amazing citizens and read essays from stage before presenting them with Authentic Liberty Replicas & Liberty Pins. They learned that “when you honor a hero, you become a hero!”
See the Torch Teams & Helping Hands Heroes honored today in the photo gallery below!
Today’s event and the donation of Super Citizen teaching kits was made possible by the Dale County Community Alliance, Senator Harri Anne Smith, Oakview Manor Health Care & Rehab Center, Walmart, AlaTrade Foods, Inc., City of Ozark and passionate community sponsors. With their help, we are teaching, inspiring and empowering our Next Great Americans.
Did you see today’s event? Were you as emotional as we were? Will you help us continue this amazing mission?
Please consider making a gift of any amount today ><
- These special citizens are ready to honor their heroes.
- The students pose with their Super Citizen Graduation Certificate.
- All smiles as they get ready to honor their heroes.
- These Super Citizens are our Next Great Americans.
- Rebecca, Rishi, Candyce and Zekayden lead everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Ayden honored Sergent 1st Class Leonard Grantham Jr. as her Torch Team Hero.
- Sarah honored Ms. Maria as her Torch Team Hero.
- Zekayden honored his father and Hero Kelly Vincent.
- Mrs. McDaniel was honored as Desmond’s Torch Team Hero.
- Madison honore her hero Ms. Vickie Shaw as a Torch Team Hero.
- Roger Patterson was honored as Tyler’s Torch Team Hero.
- Noah and Azarian honored Andrea Downing as their Helping Hand Hero.
- Heather Metcaff was honored as a Helping Hand Hero by Wednesday and Adyah.
- Kristen Sharp stands alongside Aniyah who was honoring Officer Sylvia Summers as her Helping Hand Hero.
- The proud mother of Hero Marquise Gissendanner (seen on screen) stands with Cami and John Francis.
- Hero and Principal, Charlotte Smith, was honored today as Nevaeh’s Helping Hand Hero.
- Isaiah honored Hero Michael Walker today at the Super Citizen Celebration.
- Cathy Yeatts was honored today as Keeton’s Helping Hand Hero.
- Kari Anne and Terrences honored Lisa Shirley as a Helping Hand Hero today at the Celebration.
- The students and guests all stand to sing the tour anthem “YOU in the USA”.
- “Only you can keep the YOU in the USA”.
- The students all wave their flags in song as Super Citizens.
- Kristen Sharp leads the crowd in song with the help of Peyton, Jayden, Abigail, Haze, Jordan, Christian, Ambreal and Tucker.
- The students sing together about freedom and liberty.
- The 2017 Lisenby and Mixon Torch Team and Helping Hand Heroes.