​​With the help of local and state sponsors, seniors from Cullman High School participated in an “Adulting Day” experience where they visited stations to help further their personal growth to prepare them to be “life, career, and citizen ready.” This experience was a part of the Citizen Promise Program. Seniors were able to pick from nine different stations to visit which included car maintenance, cooking, leasing an apartment, budgeting, college life 101 and more.

The Citizen Promise Program helps high school students become life, career, and citizen-ready. The model creates an environment for success, sets goals for engagement and rewards achievement. Opportunities throughout the year help inspire and educate the whole citizen by ensuring the comprehension of critical civic, character, historical and career / life knowledge.

Brought to schools by the Liberty Learning Foundation, and by champions in the Cullman area, Cullman High School seniors got a reality check of key life skills. The champions are individuals and businesses that invest time as mentors and volunteers and offer resources to support the students. This immersive educational experience is made possible because of our generous local and state sponsors who understand that these lessons must be taught despite time and budget constraints.

Become a sponsor. Power the movement.
Catch a glimpse of their experience below: