Today, 575 students filled the US Jones Elementary School Gymnasium. After finishing 10 weeks in the Super Citizen Program, they are gathered to celebrate their accomplishments and honor local heroes from the stage. Jill Tutt, a teacher, kicked things off with an inspired version of The National Anthem.
These students have learned their important roles in America’s future thanks to an immersive experience in civic, character, financial literacy and social studies. And in the closing piece of the program, Torch Teams, students are applying those crucial lessons in the real world.
Students chose heroes who embodied the traits of amazing citizens and read essays from stage before presenting them with Authentic Liberty Replicas . They learned that “when you honor a hero, you become a hero!”
Today’s event and the donation of Super Citizen teaching kits was made possible by The Demopolis City Alliance (made up of Alabama Power Service Organization, Ameriprise Financial, Demopolis Rotary Club, Holiday Cleaners and Suds , John C. Webb III and Marie Suttle Webb Foundation, Johnny Johnston Jr., LLoyd & Dinning LLC, Manley, Traeger,Perry and Stapp, Marengo Insurance Agency, Inc., Robertson Banking Company, & York Children’s Foundation). With their help, we are teaching, inspiring and empowering our Next Great Americans.
Did you see today’s event? Were you as emotional as we were? Will you help us continue this amazing mission?
Read the news coverage from Dempolis Times >
- Pledging allegiance to our American flag.
- US Jones student saying the pledge.
- Teacher Jill Tutt leading the crowd in the National Anthem.
- Zander Croston with hero and Dad Paul Croston.
- Hero Jennifer Helms with student Mongtomery Freeman.
- Samiay Lucas holding the statue replica that the heroes are awarded.
- Hero Tavares Griffin with student Tornisha Williams.
- Hero Laura Holley and student Josh Holley.
- Hero Jay Russell with student Ben Tuberville.
- A student receiving his Super Citizen Graduation Certificate.
- Proud of their Super Citizen Graduation Certificate.
- Super Citizens of US Jones.
- Showing off their certificate.
- Song volunteers: Ben Tuburville, Palmer Shannon, Samiya Lucas, Kyla Brown, Gisselle Quintana and Mac Bradley
- Thank you to our incredible sponsors.
- The students and their heroes.
- Some of the Demopolis City Alliance.
- The Super Citizens of US Jones Elementary.
- Our next great Americans.
- The Super Citizens of US Jones Elementary.
- Our next great Americans.
- The Super Citizens of US Jones Elementary.
- Our next great Americans.
- A beautiful super citizen.
- Excited to celebrate.
- US Jones super citizens.
- Excited to celebrate.
- Smiling faces of US Jones.
- Our next great Americans.
- The fantastic ladies who helped honor the heroes with a reception.
- Pledge volunteers: Sariah Smith, La’Cher Gray, Myles Knott, Jay”Marion Wright and Josh Holley
- Taking the super citizen pledge.