Today,November 10th, 325 Valley Elementary second graders gathered to honor heroes and become super citizens. They filed into the crowded gymnasium waving American flags and wearing 7-spiked liberty crowns.
This graduation event recognizes students for completing Liberty Learning Foundation‘s Super Citizen Program. And it gives those students a chance to recognize local heroes who have made an impact on their lives. In addition to civics, character, financial literacy and social studies, the program teaches that “when you honor a hero, you become a hero!”
Students sang patriotic songs to a full house and then, one by one, class representatives presented each hero with a special Liberty Pin and a much-deserved thank you from everyone in attendance.
With the lessons they have learned from Libby Liberty™, her helping hand Mr. Palmer, their excellent teachers and community leaders, these students are well on their way to becoming our Next Great Americans.
- Excited to honor their heroes.
- Getting ready to celebrate their super citizenship.
- Smiling students gearing up for the celebration.
- Students sing the National Anthem.
- Students sing patriotic songs.
- Leah leads the students in the Pledge of Allegiance.
- Pledging allegiance to the flag.
- Students singing to their parents, teachers and heroes.
- Valley Elementary 2nd graders.
- Super citizens waiting for the program to start.
- Ms. Pat, Alvin Crumpton’s hero.
- Alessandra Cordova reads about her hero.
- Alessandra Cordova honors her hero Principal Miller.
- Staff Sargent Dennis Maldonado honored by Libby Pitsch
- Cole Gleason reads about his hero.
- Hero Mrs. Snyder with student Cole Gleason
- Macaelan Thompson honors her classroom hero Assistant Principal Holden.
- Owen Bentrup honors his classroom hero Ms. Aaron
- Parents and community members celebrate with the students.
- Hero Nurse Lisa and student Cam Gonzales
- Cassidy Short honors her hero Officer Martin.
- Hero Ms. Darlene and student Hannah McCay.
- Thomas Freiger honors Ms. Reynolds.
- Anna McDonald honors her hero, Mrs. Sherer.
- Hero, Ms. Teri and student Reemal Sultan.
- Carrington Smith with classroom hero, Mrs. McRae.
- Song volunteers: Gracely Howatt, Ariana Mandujano, Maddi Moye, Arya Desai, JP Anderson and Carson McKenney
- Students sing “You in the USA”.
- Students take the super citizens pledge.
- Cynthia Green presents Valley Elementary with a signed copy of Lee Greenwood’s book “Proud To Be An American”.
- The students and their heroes.