Please check back if you do not see your child’s performance. It can take a few days for events to be posted.

03-05-2025 - Selma City Schools Celebrate Becoming Super Citizens and Honor Their Heroes!

03-04-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps Off Her Pedestal to Meet the Second and Third Grade Students of W.O. Lance Elementary School!

02-27-2025 - Students of Wilcox County Schools Honor Their Heroes and Become Heroes Themselves at Their Super Citizen Celebration!

02-26-2025 - Perry County Students Celebrate Becoming Super Citizens and Honor Their Heroes

02-25-2025 - Indian Valley Elementary School Second Grade Students take Their Helping Hands Pledge, Honor Heroes, and Celebrate at the Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

02-24-2025 - Second and Fifth Grade Students of Talladega County, Take their Pledges, Honor Their Heroes, and Celebrate becoming Super Citizens!

02-24-2025 - Hamilton Elementary School Second Grade Students Meet Libby Liberty™ at their Hands on Liberty Kickoff!

02-24-2025 - Talladega County Schools Second and Fifth Grade Students Become Super Citizens and Honor Their Heroes!

02-21-2025 - Brewton Elementary School Second and Fourth Graders Celebrate becoming Super Citizens and Honor Their Heroes!

02-21-2025 - Monroe County Fifth Grade Students Kick Off Their Super Citizen Journey with a visit from Libby Liberty™!

02-20-2025 - Second and Fifth Grade Students from Clarke County Schools Meet Libby Liberty™ at their Super Citizen Program Kickoff!

02-20-2025 - Clarke County Schools Kick Off Their Super Citizen Programs and Get to Meet Libby Liberty™!

02-19-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps off Her Pedestal to Greet Second and Third Graders from University Charter School at their Super Citizen Program Kickoff!

02-18-2025 - Second and Fifth Grade Students of Demopolis City Meet Libby Liberty™ at their Super Citizen Program Kickoff!

02-18-2025 - Marengo County and Linden City Second and Third Grade Students Kick Off Their Super Citizen Program with a visit from Libby Liberty™!

02-13-2025 - Thompson Intermediate School Fifth Grade Students Honor Their Heroes, Celebrate, and become Heroes Themselves!

02-13-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps Off Her Pedestal to Greet Second Graders of Homewood City Schools!

02-13-2025 - Alabaster City Schools Second Grade Students Honor Heroes and Celebrate at their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

02-12-2025 - Autauga County Schools meet Libby Liberty™ at the Davis Theatre for the Performing Arts as they Kick Off Their Hands on Liberty Program!

02-12-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Kicks Off the Super Citizen Program for Third Graders of Mt. Carmel and Madison County Elementary School!

02-11-2025 - Second Grade Students of Russell County Schools Celebrate and Honor Their Heroes at their Hands on Liberty Celebration!

02-11-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps off Her Pedestal to Greet the Second Grade Students of St. Clair County Schools!

02-11-2025 - Phenix City Schools Second Grade Students Honor Their Heroes and Celebrate becoming Super Citizens at Their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

02-10-2025 - Winston Count Schools Second Grade Students Celebrate and Honor Heroes at Their Helping Hands Program Celebration!

02-10-2025 - Haleyville Elementary Schools Second and Fifth Grade Students Celebrate Becoming Super Citizens and Honor Their Heroes!

02-07-2025 - Elmore County Schools 2nd grade Students Honor Their Heroes and Celebrate becoming Super Citizens!

02-07-2025 - Early County Elementary 2nd and 4th Grade Students Meet Libby Liberty™ at Their Super Citizen Programs Kickoff!

02-06-2025 - 2nd Grade Students of Montgomery County Schools Celebrate Their Heroes and Become Heroes Themse

02-06-2025 - Dothan City Schools 2nd and 5th grade Students Begin Their Super Citizen Journey with a visit from Libby Liberty™!

02-05-2025 - Students of the Barbour County Community came together to kick off Their Super Citizen Programs and Met Libby Liberty™!

02-05-2025 - Montgomery County Schools 2nd Grade Students Honor their Heroes and Celebrate at their Hands on Liberty Program!

02-04-2025 - Libby Liberty Jumps off Her Pedestal to Greet the Students of Montgomery County Schools at Their Hands on Liberty Kickoff!

02-04-2025 - Abbeville Christian Academy 7th Grade Students Begin Their American Character Journey!

02-03-2025 - Union Springs Elementary Second Graders Meet Libby Liberty™ at Their Hands On Liberty Kickof!

02-03-2025 - Students of Montgomery County Schools see Libby Liberty™ Jump off Her Pedestal at Their Hands on Liberty Program!

02-01-2025 - Students of DeKalb County Schools Begin Their Super Citizen Journey and meet Libby Liberty™!

01-31-2025 - Spanish Fort Elementary Honor Their Heroes, Take Their Helping Hands Pledge, and Celebrate at their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

01-31-2025 - DeKalb County Students Kickoff Their Super Citizen Journey with a visit from Libby Liberty™!

01-30-2025 - Rockwell Elementary and Stonebridge Elementary 2nd Graders Meet Libby Liberty at their Hands on Liberty Program Kickoff!

01-30-2025 - Lauderdale County Students Celebrate Becoming Super Citizens & Honor Their Heroes at Their Super Citizen Program Celebration!

01-30-2025 - Students of Fairhope East Elementary & Fairhope West Elementary Honor Their Heroes, Take Their Helping Hands Pledge, and Celebrate becoming Super Citizens!

01-29-2025 - Saraland Elementary 2nd Grade Students Celebrate at their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

01-29-2025 - 3rd Graders of Mobile County Schools Celebrate, Honor Heroes, Take their Super Citizen Pledge, and Become Super Citizens!

01-29-2025 - Lauderdale County Schools 5th Grade Students Celebrate Their Heroes and Becoming Super Citizens!

01-28-2025 - 2nd Grade Students of Decatur City Schools Kickoff off Their Hands on Liberty Program with a visit from Libby Liberty™!

01-28-2025 - Mobile County Schools 3rd Grade Students Honor Their Heroes and Become Heroes Themselves!

01-27-2025 - Baldwin County Schools 2nd Graders Celebrate and Honor Their Heroes at Their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

01-27-2025 - Libby Liberty Jumps Off Her Pedestal to Greet the 2nd Grade Students of Memorial Park Elementary School!

01-27-2025 - Second Grade Students of Baldwin County Schools Sing, Celebrate, and Honor Their Heroes at Their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration!

01-24-2025 - Calera Elementary School 2nd Grade Students Celebrate, Take Their Helping Hands Pledge, and Honor Their Heroes at Their Hands on Liberty Celebration!

01-24-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps Off Her Pedestal to Greet the 2nd Grade Students of Athens City School!

01-24-2025 - 2nd Grade Students of Shelby County Schools Honor Their Heroes at their Hands on Liberty Program Celebration

01-23-2025 - Helena Elementary School 2nd Graders Honor Heroes and Celebrate at their Hands on Liberty Graduation Celebration!

01-23-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps off Her Pedestal to Meet 2nd Grade Students of Madison County!

01-23-2025 - Shelby County 2nd Grade Students Honor Heroes, Take Their Helping Hands Pledge, and Celebrate becoming Super Citizens!

01-21-2025 - Libby Liberty™ Jumps off Her Pedestal to Greet the 2nd Grade Students of Guntersville Elementary School!

01-17-2025 - Butler County Schools 2nd Grade Students Meet Libby Liberty™ and Kick Off their Hands on Liberty Program!

01-17-2025 - Florence City Schools Third Grade Students Kick Off Their Super Citizen Journey with a visit from Libby Libery™!

01-16-2025 - Crenshaw County 2nd and 3rd Grade Students, Took Their Super Citizen Pledges, Honored Their Heroes, and Celebrated becoming Super Citizens!

01-16-2025 - Russellville City 2nd and 3rd Grade Students Kick Off Their Super Citizen Program with a Special Visit from Libby Liberty™!

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