Admiral Moorer 7th graders Kicked Off their American Character Program and are on their way to becoming #GoodCharacters!

With the help of local and state sponsors, 7th grade students from Admiral Moorer Middle School are beginning the American Character Program this year. Students will learn civics, history, character, careers and financial literacy in a format that uses excitement as its engagement platform. The lessons are in comic book [...]

Libby Liberty™ Jumps off Her Pedestal to Meet Students from Eufaula City & Lakeside School!

Today 500 elementary students from Eufaula Primary, Eufaula Elementary, and Lakeside School came together to kick off the Super Citizen Program for 2019. They waved flags, wore Statue of Liberty crowns and counted down for Libby Liberty™ to take the stage. On three huge screens "live video" shows her Next [...]

Libby Liberty™ Jumps off Her Pedestal to Meet the Students of Brewton Elementary!

Today 200 elementary students from Brewton Elementary School came together to kick off the Super Citizen Program for 2021. They waved flags, wore Statue of Liberty crowns and counted down for Libby Liberty™ to take the stage. On three huge screens "live video" shows her Next Great Americans tour pulling [...]

Barbour County, Eufaula City, and The Lakeside School students Celebrate!

A Virtual Super Citizen Graduation for Barbour County, Eufaula City, and The Lakeside School We all know this school year is “different,” to say the least. One thing that remains consistent: students are completing the Super Citizen Program, honoring local heroes and learning lessons that are more important [...]

Brewton Elementary Celebrates becoming Super Citizens and Honors their Heroes!

Today, 200 2nd and 4th grade students filled the Brewton Elementary School Gymnasium. After finishing 10 weeks in the Super Citizen Program, they are gathered to celebrate their accomplishments and honor local heroes from the stage. These students have learned their important roles in America’s future thanks to an immersive [...]

Barbour County, Eufaula City, & The Lakeside School students begin their Super Citizen Journey!

In an educational experience that normally features hundreds of elementary students gathered to cheer, sing and celebrate together, this year's Super Citizen Kickoff Barbour County, Eufaula City, and The Lakeside School is happening a little differently due to COVID-19. A new video-led "virtual kickoff" is delivering engagement and enthusiasm to [...]

Libby Liberty™ Jumps off her Pedestal to Greet the 2nd & 4th graders of Brewton Elementary!

Today 200 elementary students from Brewton Elementary School came together to kick off the Super Citizen Program for 2019. They waved flags, wore Statue of Liberty crowns and counted down for Libby Liberty™ to take the stage. On three huge screens "live video" shows her Next Great Americans tour bus [...]

Admiral Moorer Middle School Students Begin American Character Program Semi-Virtually

The Liberty Learning events and education teams have been hard-at-work ensuring that our programs for K-12 students are engaging and impactful whether they’re experienced in the classroom, virtually … or somewhere in-between. Today, we helped schools kick off the American Character Program by way of a custom made video that [...]

Brewton Elementary Celebrate becoming Super Citizens and Honor their Heroes!

Today, more than 200 students filled the Brewton Elementary School Gymnasium. After finishing 10 weeks in the Super Citizen Program, they are gathered to celebrate their accomplishments and honor local heroes from the stage. Lisa McMillian, Torch Team Hero: "We need more programs like this with positive influence. Just [...]

Students Gather to Kickoff their Super Citizen Journey in Eufaula!

Today, more than 680 elementary students from Barbour County, Eufaula City, and Lakeside School came together to kick off the Super Citizen Program for 2019. They waved flags, wore Statue of Liberty crowns and counted down for Libby Liberty™ to take the stage. On three huge screens "live video" shows [...]