Madison City Schools 5th Graders begin their Super Citizen Journey!

In an educational experience that normally features hundreds of students gathered to cheer, sing and celebrate together, this year's Super Citizen Kickoff for Madison City 5th Graders is happening a little differently due to COVID-19. A new video-led "virtual kickoff" is delivering engagement and enthusiasm to help schools teach civics, [...]

Madison County Elementary 3rd Graders Begin their Super Citizens Journey!

In an educational experience that normally features hundreds of students gathered to cheer, sing and celebrate together, this year's Super Citizen Kickoff Madison County Elementary 3rd graders is happening a little differently due to COVID-19. A new video-led "virtual kickoff" is delivering engagement and enthusiasm to help schools teach civics, [...]

Peek Inside the Sparkman Middle School 7th Grade VIRTUAL #GoodCharacters Expo

This year, middle schoolers in our American Characters program proved they are learning how to face challenges head-on to accomplish great things. We watched from the sidelines as they learned about historical characters who transformed America. Then, they were challenged to begin transforming their communities themselves through service projects. And [...]

Sparkman Middle School 7th Grade Students Begin American Character Program Semi-Virtually

The Liberty Learning events and education teams have been hard-at-work ensuring that our programs for K-12 students are engaging and impactful whether they’re experienced in the classroom, virtually … or somewhere in-between. Today, we helped schools kick off the American Character Program by way of a custom made video that [...]