- Madison Elementary 5th Graders await their Celebration with anticipation¡
- Madison Elementary gets ready to Celebrate their Super Citizen Graduation
- Madison Elementary 5th Graders await their Celebration with anticipation¡
- Madison Elementary Student gets ready to Celebrate!
- Madison 5th graders await their Liberty’s Legacy Super Citizen Graduation
- Madison 5th graders await their Liberty’s Legacy Super Citizen Graduation
- Mayor and Mrs Trulock, along with Madison Elementary Principal Mims and Laurie Sammons & Joyce Bishop get ready to celebrate with Madison Elementary 5th graders
- Mayor Trulock poses with Pastor Clint Scales who was honored as a Torch Team Hero
- Mayor Trulock poses with Sue Hereford who was honored as a Torch Team Hero
- Madison 5th graders anxiously await their Liberty’s Legacy Super Citizen Graduation
- Madison 5th graders anxiously await their Liberty’s Legacy Super Citizen Graduation
- Tori Hamilton, A.J. Idowu, Alyssa Young lead their classmates in the Pledge of Allegiance
- Madison Elementary 5th graders say the Pledge of Allegiance before their Super Citizen Graduation Celebration¡
- Alexa Robinson poses with Torch Team Hero Sue Hereford
- Jerran Hambrick poses with his classes Torch Team Hero Pastor Clint Scales, who also happens to be his grandfather!
- Kennedy Cunningham awards her classes Torch Team Hero and her grandfather, Michael Williams
- Mayor Trulock poses with Torch Team Hero Michael Williams
- Morgan Butler, Seth Kulavich, Kyra Hunter, Ty Sewell, Shaniya Jacobs-Lanier, & Piper Watts lead their classmates in “You in the USA”
- Morgan Butler, Seth Kulavich, Kyra Hunter, Ty Sewell, Shaniya Jacobs-Lanier, & Piper Watts lead their classmates in “You in the USA”
- Madison Elementary 5th graders celebrate and sing a long with “You in the USA”
- Madison Elementary 5th graders celebrate and sing a long with “You in the USA”
- Madison Elementary 5th graders celebrate and sing a long with “You in the USA”
- Madison Elementary 5th graders celebrate and sing a long with “You in the USA”
- Madison Elementary 5th graders are awarded a Super Citizen Certificate for their hard work in completing the Super Citizen Program
- Madison Elementary 5th graders are awarded a Super Citizen Certificate for their hard work in completing the Super Citizen Program
- Madison Elementary 5th graders show off their Super Citizen Certificate!
- Madison Elementary 5th graders show off their Super Citizen Certificate!
- Madison Elementary 5th graders show off their Super Citizen Certificate!
- Joyce Bishop with the Liberty Learning Foundation tells Madison Elementary 5th graders how proud we are for all they have shown they have learned during the Super Citizen Program!
- Madison Elementary 5th graders take the Super Citizen Pledge
- Madison Elementary 5th graders take the Super Citizen Pledge
- Madison Elementary 5th graders take the Super Citizen Pledge
- Madison Elementary 5th Grade Torch Team Heroes!
- Madison Elementary Torch Team Hero, Michael Williams showing what he says to be 2 of his most precious awards – his Purple Heart and the Liberty Replica he received as a Torch Team Hero by his granddaughters 5th grade class