Pike Liberal Arts Students Honor Heroes, Become Heroes Themselves

The Liberty Learning Foundation asserts that "when you honor a hero, you become a hero." Today, November 3rd, the second and third grader Super Citizens from Pike Liberal Arts did just that. These outstanding students joined together in their lunchroom to honor heroes, receive certificates and pledge to continue their journey to [...]

2015-11-05T15:11:52-06:00November 4th, 2015|Tags: |

Pike Liberal Arts Kicks off Super Citizen and Hands On Learning Programs With Libby Liberty™

Liberty Learning Foundation kicked off its Super Citizen Programs today at Pike Liberal Arts. The second and third grade students entered the lunch room with anticipation and reverently waited for Libby Liberty™ to take the stage. Principal Becky Baggett welcomed the students and the special guests of Troy Bank and Trust. With [...]

2015-08-28T10:06:07-05:00August 28th, 2015|Tags: |

Pike Liberal Arts Students Become Super Citizens Right Before Our Eyes!

Wow! What an amazing experience to watch a sea of 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders become outstanding American citizens right before our eyes! Today was the final celebration of this year's Super Citizen Program that was made possible by local sponsors Troy Bank & Trust and Liberty Learning Foundation (LLF) [...]

2017-04-13T13:44:32-05:00April 22nd, 2015|Tags: |

Troy Elementary Students Get a Taste of Civics

Whenever we receive reports about teachers getting creative with interactive lessons in the Super Citizen Program, we post them. They always make us proud. This one also makes us HUNGRY! Here's what happened when creative 2nd grade teacher, Mallory Rhodes, decided learning the meanings behind the colors in the American [...]

2017-04-13T13:44:32-05:00February 9th, 2015|Tags: |

Pike County Schools Begin Super Citizen Program, Get a Visit From Libby Liberty™

Goshen and Pike Co. Elementary, along with Banks School, bussed into the Claudia Crosby Theatre Thursday for a performance from Liberty Learning Foundation's Next Great Americans Tour. After the Pledge and National Anthem, nearly 500 students chanted, sang and clapped to welcome the star of the show to the stage. [...]

2017-04-13T13:44:33-05:00January 29th, 2015|Tags: |

News Coverage of Troy / Pike County Super Citizen Kickoffs 2015

New citizenship program launches in Pike County, seeks to inspire and educate elementary students (by Courtney patterson, Troy Messenger) Cloaked with her trademark cape and crown, Libby Liberty took to the stage early Wednesday to teach Troy Elementary students how to be “super citizens.” It was the first of three [...]

2017-04-13T13:44:33-05:00January 28th, 2015|Tags: , |

Pike Liberal Arts Students Get a Visit from a National Icon, Learn Lessons in Liberty

Two hundred students at Pike Liberal Arts School in Troy got a huge surprise today as Liberty Learning Foundation's Next Great Americans Bus Tour came into town for a theatrical performance and to deliver free teaching tools to their school. The students took the Pledge, sang the Naational Anthem and [...]

2017-04-13T13:44:33-05:00January 28th, 2015|Tags: |

Troy Elementary Students Begin Learning the Power of Civics & Community thanks to Troy Bank & Trust

Nearly 400 students packed the cafetorium at Troy Elementary Wed. morning to welcome the Next Great Americans Bus Tour. The room was electric as the students counted down for Libby Liberty™ to take the stage. Over the next 45 minutes, the costumed Statue of Liberty actress brought history to life, [...]

2015-01-28T00:00:00-06:00January 28th, 2015|Tags: |